Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dogapedia Launches!

Yet another side project of mine, although I'm taking this one quite seriously. I'm pleased to announce that is now live. We are slowly adding dog breeds, but there will be regular posts and some interesting videos. Eventually I'd like to enable users to upload photos of their dogs to the breed pages and create user dog galleries there. It should be cool and I'm hoping to be done with all breeds by the end of February 2011.

Check it out and let me know what you think!

The Dog Breed Encyclopedia

Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer in SF

It's funny, although SF has been very cold the last 3 months, I don't mind so much because I run so often (50-60 miles a week now). I ran through downtown yesterday and the sun was shining and I got super hot in my running jacket. I hear people on the east coast complaining about 98 degrees and humid (blah!) so I'll take 65 in SF. It should be warming up soon though so we can all put our shorts on and spend the afternoon in Golden Gate park.

I realized I hadn't posted to this blog in ages so I'll be updating it with some more interesting info. In the meantime you can check out my music blog where I post my dance mixes -

The image above is the Cliff House from Ocean beach circa 1900. Click it to see the full size photo.

Happy Friday!


Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, December 11, 2008

*tap tap tap* is this thing on?

So many things going on lately, Yahoo layoffs, Holiday Parties, runs..I will need some time to formulate a real blog entry. Coming soon!